Ventilaton system is mising in this room.
386 06435278d19f0af16e37b52956435278d19f0af16e37b5295Select the sentence which has no spelling error.
384 0645a2277131c83edd3e745acSelect the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
382 06458e6ed7f8252086629102fSelect the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
382 0645a2729d47721ee2dac440dChoose the correctly spelt word.
378 06435382706979810acd90639Choose the word that means the same as the given word.d
377 0644b8d0a6842c5ce47cdf56aA Appetight
B Reliance
C Success
377 06454d8d039143d085f41a041Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
377 0645b8d030827e80a9f7c5a23