Cloze Test Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 Q:In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
The entry of foreign media has to be ______ by strict rules. Any intention to ______ the country politically or economically or any attempt at cultural ______ in order to make the country a slave to the designs of international powers would not be ______. If the foreign media is keen on making a presence on the Indian soil, respect for the country’s unity and ______ is essential.
cultural ______ in order to make the country.
767 060193f336d6bae40a63739f7
60193f336d6bae40a63739f7- 1imperialismtrue
- 2dogmatismfalse
- 3absenteeismfalse
- 4clonismfalse
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Answer : 1. "imperialism"
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Answer : 1. "A"
Q:In the following passage some of the word have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks.
The Red Indian __(187_ for the arrival of the bison. The beasts, which come only once a year, are a good source of meat and hide. The Red Indians__(188)__ to survive the cold, bitter winter.
Tikki, the young boy, __(189)__ to look out for the herd’s arrival. Everyday, he _(190)_top of the hill to see if he could spot them on the vast horizon.
One night, while he__(191)__, the ground shook __(192)_ and his bag of arrows fell off from its book on the wall. Tikki __(193)___ of his wigwam and felt a strong gust of wind and dust gush past him. Shouting excitedly, he ran to the other wigwams and woke everyone up. A big fire _(194)_ built and the Red Indians danced around it, giving praises to their God who had, at last, __(195)__ their food and clothing of animal hide. The next morning, all to hunt down the beasts to the warriors _(196)_ to hunt down the beasts which were grazing near the river.
Mark your answer at Question (193).
766 05f292bbb921df80828923774
5f292bbb921df80828923774The Red Indian __(187_ for the arrival of the bison. The beasts, which come only once a year, are a good source of meat and hide. The Red Indians__(188)__ to survive the cold, bitter winter.
Tikki, the young boy, __(189)__ to look out for the herd’s arrival. Everyday, he _(190)_top of the hill to see if he could spot them on the vast horizon.
One night, while he__(191)__, the ground shook __(192)_ and his bag of arrows fell off from its book on the wall. Tikki __(193)___ of his wigwam and felt a strong gust of wind and dust gush past him. Shouting excitedly, he ran to the other wigwams and woke everyone up. A big fire _(194)_ built and the Red Indians danced around it, giving praises to their God who had, at last, __(195)__ their food and clothing of animal hide. The next morning, all to hunt down the beasts to the warriors _(196)_ to hunt down the beasts which were grazing near the river.
- 1rushed outtrue
- 2rushed infalse
- 3rushing outfalse
- 4rust outfalse
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Answer : 1. "rushed out"
Q:In the following passage some of the word have been left out. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives and fill in the blanks.
The Red Indian __(187_ for the arrival of the bison. The beasts, which come only once a year, are a good source of meat and hide. The Red Indians__(188)__ to survive the cold, bitter winter.
Tikki, the young boy, __(189)__ to look out for the herd’s arrival. Everyday, he _(190)_top of the hill to see if he could spot them on the vast horizon.
One night, while he__(191)__, the ground shook __(192)_ and his bag of arrows fell off from its book on the wall. Tikki __(193)___ of his wigwam and felt a strong gust of wind and dust gush past him. Shouting excitedly, he ran to the other wigwams and woke everyone up. A big fire _(194)_ built and the Red Indians danced around it, giving praises to their God who had, at last, __(195)__ their food and clothing of animal hide. The next morning, all to hunt down the beasts to the warriors _(196)_ to hunt down the beasts which were grazing near the river.
Mark your answer at Question (194).
765 05f292c27a5ce9779bd250a9f
5f292c27a5ce9779bd250a9fThe Red Indian __(187_ for the arrival of the bison. The beasts, which come only once a year, are a good source of meat and hide. The Red Indians__(188)__ to survive the cold, bitter winter.
Tikki, the young boy, __(189)__ to look out for the herd’s arrival. Everyday, he _(190)_top of the hill to see if he could spot them on the vast horizon.
One night, while he__(191)__, the ground shook __(192)_ and his bag of arrows fell off from its book on the wall. Tikki __(193)___ of his wigwam and felt a strong gust of wind and dust gush past him. Shouting excitedly, he ran to the other wigwams and woke everyone up. A big fire _(194)_ built and the Red Indians danced around it, giving praises to their God who had, at last, __(195)__ their food and clothing of animal hide. The next morning, all to hunt down the beasts to the warriors _(196)_ to hunt down the beasts which were grazing near the river.
- 1were immediatefalse
- 2was immediatelytrue
- 3were immediatelyfalse
- 4was immediatefalse
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Answer : 2. "was immediately"
Q:Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each question out of the four alternatives.
Did the earth always____(i)_____ as it does today? No, __(ii)____ its origin about 4.8 billion year ago, our planet has ___(iii)____ a lot of changes. The initial ball of fire ___(iv)___ down and the surface slowly ___(v)__ solid. Today we know that the Earth’s crust is divided into several plates, which move continuously. Entire continents have been displaced and mountains, islands and new seas have been formed or have disappeared.
Fill the blank at (i).
760 05fb228b0cb95815ec7096ac6
5fb228b0cb95815ec7096ac6- 1lookedfalse
- 2looktrue
- 3lookingfalse
- 4looksfalse
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Answer : 2. "look"
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Answer : 2. "consequent"
Q:Directions: - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.
Marketing also (16) an environment in the marketplace for healthy completion. Marketing efforts get the (17) out on pricing of products and services, (18) not only reaches the intended consumers, but also (19) other companies competing for the consumers’ (20). As opposed to companies that have a monopoly on products and services that can charge almost any (21), marketing helps keep pricing competitive for a business to try to win over (22) before its competition does. Without competition, well (23) companies would continue to (24) while lesser known companies or new companies would (25) little chance of ever becoming successful.
Mark at (24).
759 05fd717d3cb8bf13af9ba8687
5fd717d3cb8bf13af9ba8687Marketing also (16) an environment in the marketplace for healthy completion. Marketing efforts get the (17) out on pricing of products and services, (18) not only reaches the intended consumers, but also (19) other companies competing for the consumers’ (20). As opposed to companies that have a monopoly on products and services that can charge almost any (21), marketing helps keep pricing competitive for a business to try to win over (22) before its competition does. Without competition, well (23) companies would continue to (24) while lesser known companies or new companies would (25) little chance of ever becoming successful.
- 1Buyfalse
- 2Purchasefalse
- 3Selltrue
- 4Investfalse
- 5Bargainfalse
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Answer : 3. "Sell"
Q:Directions : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. Four of the Five words to the blank coherently.Find out the which word cannot fit in the blank properly.
It was a _____(xa)_____ journey that these 166 passengers of Jaipur bound Jet Airways flight number 9W 697 from Mumbai on Thursday will never forget. When the _____(xb)_____ took off at about 6 am on Thursday everything _____(xc)_____ normal. However, after 10 minutes into the flight, the _____(xd)_____ of these passengers began. Suddenly the oxygen masks came down from above their seats. By this time the aircraft was flying at a/an _____(xe)_____ of about 28,000 feet. Suddenly the _____(xf)_____ started feeling uncomfortable while some started to bleed from nose and ears. The panicked passengers _____(xg)_____ putting oxygen masks onto themselves while many _____(xh)_____ that they were not working. After about 10-15 minutes of _____(xi)_____ and panic the oxygen started flowing into the masks, much to the _____(xj)_____ of the passengers.
Find the blank at xd.
759 05e904e8af681623fa56170df
5e904e8af681623fa56170df- 1difficultyfalse
- 2pleasuretrue
- 3agonyfalse
- 4miseryfalse
- 5troublefalse
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