IIT JEE Practice Question and Answer
8Q: The day before yesterday, I was 25 years old, and next year I will turn 28. How is it possible? 3576 05b5cc6a8e4d2b4197774ce66
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Answer :
Explanation :
On carefully inspecting this question, one can understand that there are two days which are important and these are: A. My Birthday. B. The day when I am making this statement. If you think for a while, you will understand that such statements can be made only around the year’s end. So, if my birthday is on 31 December, then I will be making this statement on 1 January. I will further explain using the following example: 1. Consider that today is 01 January 2017. 2. Then, the day before yesterday was 30 December 2016 and according to the question I was 25 then. 3. Yesterday was 31 December 2016, which happens to be my birthday too (Woohoo!), and my age increases by one to become 26. 4. I will turn 27 on my birthday this year (31 December 2017). 5. I will turn 28 on my birthday next year (31 December 2018). Now, if you read the question again, it will make more sense: The day before yesterday(30 December 2016), I was 25 years old and next year(31 December 2018) I will be 28.
Q: Which of the following is a micro nutrient? 3553 05b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb1f
5b5cc642e4d2b4197774bb1f- 1Mgfalse
- 2Cltrue
- 3Pfalse
- 4Cafalse
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Answer : 2. "Cl"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Cl Explanation: The micronutrients (or trace minerals): boron (B), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni). and cobalt (Co).
Q: John sells his laptop to Mark at a loss of 20% who subsequently sells it to Kevin at a profit of 25%. Kevin after finding some defect in the laptop, returns it to Mark but could recover only Rs.4.50 for every Rs. 5 he had paid. Find the amount of Kevin’s loss if John had paid Rs. 1,75,000 for the laptop ? 3553 05b5cc75ce4d2b4197774fc84
5b5cc75ce4d2b4197774fc84- 1Rs.16,500false
- 2Rs.17,500true
- 3Rs.14,200false
- 4Rs.15,520false
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Answer : 2. "Rs.17,500"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Rs.17,500 Explanation: Let’s assume John bought the laptop for Rs. 100He then sells it to Mark at a loss of 20% => Rs. 80,Who consequently sells it to Kevin at a profit of 25% => Rs. 100Then, Kevin sells it back to Mark for Rs. 90 (Rs.4.50 for every Rs. 5 that he had paid initially), so he suffers a loss of Rs. 10Therefore, for Rs. 100 there is a loss of Rs. 10,Then for Rs. 1,75,000 there will be a loss of Rs. 17,500.
Q: Bad loans in banking terminology are generally known as 3550 05b5cc6a2e4d2b4197774cb75
5b5cc6a2e4d2b4197774cb75- 1NPA'strue
- 2Prime loansfalse
- 3BPO'sfalse
- 4Prime Assetsfalse
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Answer : 1. "NPA's"
Explanation :
Answer: A) NPA's Explanation: Bad loans in banking terminology are generally known as NPA's. A Non - performing Asset (NPA) is defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest and installment of principal have remained 'past due' for a specified period of time.
Q: Two men A and B start from place X walking at 4 ½ kmph and 5 ¾ kmph respectively. How many km apart they are at the end of 3 ½ hours if they are walking in the same direction ? 3535 05b5cc6eee4d2b4197774ef11
5b5cc6eee4d2b4197774ef11- 12 9/7 kmfalse
- 23 7/5 kmfalse
- 31 3/4 kmfalse
- 44 3/8 kmtrue
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Answer : 4. "4 3/8 km"
Explanation :
Answer: D) 4 3/8 km Explanation: Relative Speed = 5 ¾ - 4 ½ = 1 ¼ Time = 3 ½ h. Distance = 5/4 x 7/2 = 35/8 = 4 3/8 km.
Q: First Indian woman to participate in Olympics? 3532 05b5cc69de4d2b4197774c909
5b5cc69de4d2b4197774c909- 1Karnam Malleswaritrue
- 2Mary Komfalse
- 3P.V. Sindhufalse
- 4Geeta Phogatfalse
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Answer : 1. "Karnam Malleswari"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Karnam Malleswari Explanation: The first Indian woman to ever win an Olympic medal was Karnam Malleswari who won a bronze medal at the Sydney Olympics in the Women's 69 kg category in Weightlifting.
Q: Two trains, one from Hyderabd to Bangalore and the other from Bangalore to Hyderabad, start simultaneously. After they meet, the trains reach their destinations after 9 hours and 16 hours respectively. The ratio of their speeds is ? 3530 05b5cc6e0e4d2b4197774eb57
5b5cc6e0e4d2b4197774eb57- 13 : 4false
- 24 : 3true
- 32 : 3false
- 43 : 2false
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Answer : 2. "4 : 3"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 4 : 3 Explanation: Let us name the trains as A and B. Then, (A's speed) : (B's speed) = √b : √a = √16 : √9 = 4:3
Q: What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly? 3530 05b5cc698e4d2b4197774c631
5b5cc698e4d2b4197774c631- 1Schezwanfalse
- 2Yorkerfalse
- 3Incorrectlytrue
- 4Psycologicallyfalse
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Answer : 3. "Incorrectly"
Explanation :
Answer: C) Incorrectly Explanation: INCORRECTLY is the only English word which is always spelled incorrectly.