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Time Bomb कब होता है ?

  • 1
    एक विशेष तर्क और डेटा के दौरान
  • 2
    किसी विशेष डेटा या समय के दौरान
  • 3
    किसी विशेष समय के दौरान
  • 4
    उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं
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Answer : 2. "किसी विशेष डेटा या समय के दौरान"
Explanation :

it can be programmed to activate during a particular date or time, making it a significant threat if it goes undetected until the specified trigger conditions are met. Time bombs are often used by attackers to initiate their malicious activities at a specific moment, adding an element of surprise and making it difficult to prevent or mitigate the damage.

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