Science GK प्रश्न और उत्तर का अभ्यास करें
7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
प्र: What is a mixture of potassium nitrate powdered charcoal and sulphur called? 1549 05c2dbd92bc106c237a22c18a
5c2dbd92bc106c237a22c18a- 1paintfalse
- 2aluminiumfalse
- 3brassfalse
- 4gun powdertrue
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 4. "gun powder"
प्र: Which metal is heaviest ? 1579 05c2dbd66bc106c237a22c185
5c2dbd66bc106c237a22c185- 1osmiumtrue
- 2mercuryfalse
- 3ironfalse
- 4nicklefalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 1. "osmium"
प्र: Oil of vitriol is 1654 05c2dbcb10cb513238953f916
5c2dbcb10cb513238953f916- 1nitric acidfalse
- 2sulphuric acidtrue
- 3hydrochloric acidfalse
- 4phosphoric acidfalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 2. "sulphuric acid"
प्र: What among following is used to produce artificial rain ? 2094 05c2dbc879fd00135a4b21168
5c2dbc879fd00135a4b21168- 1copper oxidefalse
- 2carbon monoxidefalse
- 3silver iodidetrue
- 4silver nitratefalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 3. "silver iodide"
प्र: The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for 1762 05c2dbc589fd00135a4b21163
5c2dbc589fd00135a4b21163- 1polyvinyl choloridetrue
- 2polyvinyl carbotatefalse
- 3phosphor vanadiu chloridefalse
- 4phosphavinyl chloridefalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 1. "polyvinyl choloride"
प्र: Rare gases are 1574 05c2dbc15aea81766da94cacf
5c2dbc15aea81766da94cacf- 1mono atomictrue
- 2di atomicfalse
- 3tri atomicfalse
- 4None of abovefalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice
उत्तर : 1. "mono atomic"
प्र: Who is regarded as father of modern chemistry ? 1982 05c2dbb7eaea81766da94cac5
5c2dbb7eaea81766da94cac5- 1Ruterfordfalse
- 2Einsteinfalse
- 3Lavoisiertrue
- 4C V Ramanfalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
- SingleChoice