निर्देश : ये प्रश्न निम्नलिखित इनपुट पर आधारित हैं
Input : 50 62 tips on 67 haw can 42 stay young 17 89 forever
इस इनपुट का अन्तिम चरण निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा होगा ?
5Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below- A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (Single digit numbers are preceded by a zero. All other numbers are two digit numbers)
Input : good 18 to raise 02 12 money 28 for 57 charity 09.
Step I : to good 18 raise 02 12 money 28 for charity 09 57.
Step II : to raise good 18 02 12 money for charity 09 28 57.
Step III : to raise money good 02 12 for charity 09 18 28 57.
Step IV : to raise money good 02 for charity 09 12 18 28 57.
Step V : To raise money good for charity 02 09 12 18 28 57.
Step VI : is the last step of the arrangement of the above input as the intended arrangement is obtained.
निर्देश : ये प्रश्न निम्नलिखित इनपुट पर आधारित हैं
Input : 50 62 tips on 67 haw can 42 stay young 17 89 forever
इस इनपुट का अन्तिम चरण निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा होगा ?
- 1Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 62 67 89true
- 2Young tips stay on how forever can 89 67 62 50 42 17 03false
- 3Can forever how on stay tips forever 89 67 62 50 42 17 03false
- 4Young tips stay on how forever can 03 17 42 50 67 62 89false
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