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Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input : 43 nobody chase 32 45 desk top feast 67 82 97 guess oracle 29
Step I : 43 nobody chase 32 45 desk feast 67 82 97 guess oracle top 29
Step II: 43 nobody chase 45 desk feast 67 82 97 guess top 29 oracle 32
Step III: chase 45 desk feast 67 82 97 guess top 29 oracle 32 nobody 43
Step IV: chase desk feast 67 82 97 top 29 oracle 32 nobody 43 guess 45
Step V: chase desk  82 97 top 29 oracle 32 nobody 43 guess 45 feast 67
Step VI: chase 97 top 29 oracle 37 nobody 43 guess 45 feast 67 desk 82
Step VII: top 29 oracle 37 nobody 43 guess 45 feast 67 desk 82 chase 97
And step VII is the last step oof the above arrangement. As per the rules followed in the step, find out the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: 35 quant hear cute 50 65 98 silent giant 71 82 19 oliver melody


निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा दिए गए इनपुट का चरण IV है?

  • 1
    hear cute 65 98 giant 71 82 melody silent 19 quant 35 oliver 50.
  • 2
    hear cute 98 65 giant 71 82 silent 19 quant 35 oliver 50 melody.
  • 3
    hear cute quant 82 50 giant 35 19 65 98 silent 71 oliver melody.
  • 4
    hear cute 98 giant 71 82 silent 19 quant 35 oliver 50 melody 65
  • Show Answer
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Answer : 4. "hear cute 98 giant 71 82 silent 19 quant 35 oliver 50 melody 65"

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