जॉइन Examsbook
उत्तर : 1. "कैल्शियम "
सीमेंट व अस्थियों दोनों में विद्यमान तत्व है?
सीमेंट व अस्थियों दोनों में विद्यमान तत्व है?
- 1कैल्शियमtrue
- 2फास्फोरसfalse
- 3नाइट्रोजनfalse
- 4सिलिकॉनfalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
उत्तर : 1. "कैल्शियम "
व्याख्या :
Calcium is the element that is present in both cement and bones. In cement, calcium is a key component of calcium silicate compounds, which contribute to the strength and durability of the material. In bones, calcium is a vital mineral that provides structural support and strength. It plays a crucial role in various physiological processes in the human body, including muscle function and nerve signaling.