जॉइन Examsbook
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हाल ही में समाचारों में उल्लिखित क़ानात प्रणाली क्या है?

  • 1
    प्राचीन जल-निकासी प्रणाली
  • 2
    प्राचीन जल-आपूर्ति प्रणाली
  • 3
    खेती प्रणाली
  • 4
    खनन प्रणाली
  • उत्तर देखें
  • Workspace

उत्तर : 2. "प्राचीन जल-आपूर्ति प्रणाली"
व्याख्या :

Recently in response to severe water shortages in dry areas of Africa, the ancient “qanat system” has been proposed as a solution. Originating in arid regions around the world, this water-supply system channels mountain water through sloped tunnels to address limited water supply. It is known by various names in the regions, such as “fogara ” and “Falaj”, qanat have been used for centuries in regions such as North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. This gravity-based system, which does not require electricity, provides sustainability, minimal evaporation and extensive irrigation potential, thereby promoting social cohesion.

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