जॉइन Examsbook
उत्तर : 3. "असुरक्षित"
हाल ही में समाचारों में देखी गई ‘वांडरिंग अल्बाट्रॉस’ की IUCN स्थिति क्या है?
हाल ही में समाचारों में देखी गई ‘वांडरिंग अल्बाट्रॉस’ की IUCN स्थिति क्या है?
- 1सुरक्षितfalse
- 2आनंददायकfalse
- 3असुरक्षितtrue
- 4बहुत बुरीfalse
- उत्तर देखें
- Workspace
उत्तर : 3. "असुरक्षित"
व्याख्या :
The Wandering Albatross, the world's largest flying bird with a wingspan of 3.5 metres, is facing extinction due to threats such as long-range fishing and plastic consumption. Climate change poses an additional threat to their nesting sites in the Southern Hemisphere. These marine nomads spend most of their 60-year lives at sea, breeding on subantarctic islands such as Marion and Prince Edward. With a sensitive conservation status, urgent measures are needed to protect these majestic birds and their unique habitats.