जॉइन Examsbook
280 0

The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them contains an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given options.


We don't really / want a large house; / we are looking for some comfort / and some convenience on a moderate price.

  • 1
    and some convenience on a moderate price
  • 2
    want a large house
  • 3
    We don't really
  • 4
    we are looking for some comfort
  • उत्तर देखेंउत्तर छिपाएं
  • Workspace

उत्तर : 1. "and some convenience on a moderate price"
व्याख्या :

The correct phrasing should be "and some convenience at a moderate price." The preposition "on" should be replaced with "at."

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