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Answer : 1. "कालीबंगा"
राजस्थान का वह स्थल जो हड़प्पा को तांबे की वस्तुएं की आपूर्ति करता था ?
राजस्थान का वह स्थल जो हड़प्पा को तांबे की वस्तुएं की आपूर्ति करता था ?
- 1कालीबंगाtrue
- 2मिथलfalse
- 3गणेश्वरfalse
- 4इनमें से कोई नहींfalse
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Answer : 1. "कालीबंगा"
Explanation :
Ganeshwar is located near the copper mines of the Sikar-Jhunjhunu area of the Khetri copper belt in Rajasthan. The Ganeshwar-Jodhpura culture has over 80 other sites currently identified. The period was estimated to be 2500–2000 BC. Historian Ratna Chandra Agrawala wrote that Ganeshwar was excavated in 1977.