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आईएसपी का विस्तृत रूप है:

  • 1
    इंटरनेट स्पीड प्रोवाइडर
  • 2
    इंटरनेट सर्विस प्रोटोकॉल
  • 3
    इंटरनेट सर्विस प्रोवाइडर
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Answer : 3. "इंटरनेट सर्विस प्रोवाइडर"
Explanation :

1. IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a digital address used to identify a computer or device on the Internet or any other network.

2. IP address is a set of four numbers. It is in this format Is visible in. The set of numbers for an IP address ranges from 0 to 255. That means the IP address ranges from to

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