Q: Unfortunately our customs and traditions conspired with her economic dependence to make her unimportant in our society.
R: Democracy in India can be a success only when the Indian women are politically awakened.
S: Moreover they should be free to express their opinion, to act as they like and to assert themselves in all departments of life.
The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.
P: The political awakening cannot be an isolated phenomenon; it requires some changes in social structure so that woman can enjoy as important a place as man occupies.
Q: Unfortunately our customs and traditions conspired with her economic dependence to make her unimportant in our society.
R: Democracy in India can be a success only when the Indian women are politically awakened.
S: Moreover they should be free to express their opinion, to act as they like and to assert themselves in all departments of life.