Chemistry Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam

Chemistry Questions
Q.8 The organic reaction represented by equation CH3 - CH = O + H2NOH gives CH3 - CH - NH + H2O is an example of
(A) an addition reaction
(B) a condensation reaction
(C) an oxidation reaction
(D) an elimination reaction
Ans . B
Q.9 The number of electrons presents in H+ is
(A) zero
(B) one
(C) two
(D) three
Ans . A
Q.10 The hottest part of the gas flame is known as
(A) luminous zone
(B) dark zone
(C) blue zone
(D) non-luminous zone
Ans . D
Q.11 The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest proportion (65%) in the body is
(A) carbon
(B) hydrogen
(C) oxygen
(D) nitrogen
Ans . C
Q.12 The isomerism which exists between CH3CHCI2 and CH2CI. CH2CI is
(A) chain isomerism
(B) functional group isomerism
(C) positional isomerism
(D) metamerism
Ans . C
Q.13 The half-life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6 hours what fraction of the initial quantity of the isotope will be left behind?
(A) 1/6
(B) 1/3
(C) 1/8
(D) 1/4
Ans . C
Q.14 The number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic quantum number is +3
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) zero
Ans . A
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