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हाल ही में जोड़े गए पोस्ट और देखें >>
Idioms and phrases are an essential part of language, adding depth and colour to our communication. For competitive exam aspirants, a strong grasp of these idiomatic expressions is crucial. Mastering idioms and phrases not only enhances your language skills but also proves invaluable in various competitive exams,
The English Grammar Test Quiz with Answers is a concise and interactive resource designed to assess your understanding of key grammar concepts in the English language. It provides a series of questions covering various topics such as tenses, sentence structure, parts of speech, and punctuation.
Idioms and Phrases questions refer to a category of language-based queries that test a person's knowledge and understanding of common idiomatic expressions and phrases. These questions are commonly used in language proficiency tests, such as the TOEFL and IELTS,
Every year many aspirants give competitive exams and to crack the competitive exams they study the all syllabus that comes in competitive exams. General English is part of competitive exams and in this section, aspirants can cover all topics according to the exam syllabus of English Grammar like Tense, passive, Idioms Phrases, etc.
Common General English is an essential part of all competitive exams. Even though English can be a bit difficult for some students, candidates can get good scores with the help of English in competitive exams and interview.
An Idiom is a common word or phrase which signifies otherwise from its literal meaning but can be understood because of its popular usage. A phrase is a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence. When you learn Idioms and Phrases you sound more confident. Here, I have prepared Idioms and Phrases Questions in this blog to increase your confidence..
Idioms are phrases, a group of words that reveal a metaphor and special meaning. Also, when a word is used in place of several words, it is called a word for the phrase. Idioms and phrase topics are included in English grammar to denote a sentence. On the other hand, in English SSC, UPSC, RRB, IAS, RPSC, BANK, etc. are an important subject in the...
Here are selective and important Idioms and Phrases general English questions and answers for practice. below list of questions related to Idioms and Phrases asked in various exams
सबसे लोकप्रिय पोस्ट
सबसे लोकप्रिय पोस्ट
हाल ही में जोड़े गए प्रश्न
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Beat around the bush
- 1Avoid praising someone and demeanfalse
- 2Avoid the main point by talking in a roundabout waytrue
- 3Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is not funnyfalse
- 4Avoid using foul words to make someone uncomfortablefalse
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उत्तर : 2 Avoid the main point by talking in a roundabout way
Explanation :
"Beat around the bush" means to avoid addressing the main issue or topic and instead talk in a vague or indirect manner.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A green horn
- 1Uneducated personfalse
- 2Inexperienced persontrue
- 3Clever personfalse
- 4Skilled personfalse
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उत्तर : 2 Inexperienced person
Explanation :
"A green horn" refers to a person who is inexperienced or new to a particular activity or job.
- 1In sad and gloomy daysfalse
- 2In happiness and good timesfalse
- 3In prosperity and adversitytrue
- 4In despair and failurefalse
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उत्तर : 3 In prosperity and adversity
Explanation :
"In weal and woe" means in both good times (prosperity) and bad times (adversity).
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
All eyes
- 1Watching with angerfalse
- 2Watching eagerlytrue
- 3Watching with no interestfalse
- 4Not watching at allfalse
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उत्तर : 2 Watching eagerly
Explanation :
"All eyes" implies that everyone is watching eagerly or with great interest.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Like a cakewalk
- 1Smooth surfacefalse
- 2Pleasant experiencefalse
- 3Easy tasktrue
- 4Activefalse
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उत्तर : 3 Easy task
Explanation :
"Like a cakewalk" describes something that is extremely easy or a task that requires little effort.