GATE Practice Question and Answer
8Q: A clock is started at 11 a.m. By 600 seconds past 6 p.m, the hour hand has turned through ? 2216 05b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd11
5b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd11- 1155 degreesfalse
- 2175 degreesfalse
- 3205 degreesfalse
- 4215 degreestrue
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Answer : 4. "215 degrees"
Explanation :
Answer: D) 215 degrees Explanation: The total angle traced by the hour hand is the angle traced in 7 hours and 10 minutes.We know that the angle traced by the hour hand in one hour is 30º and in one minute is 1/2º.Therefore, (30º x 7) + (10 x 1/2º) = 215º is the angle traced by the hour hand.
Q: A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Tuesday and is 4 min 48 sec fast at 2 p.m. on the following Tuesday. When was it correct ? 1539 05b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd0c
5b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd0c- 112 p.m. on Wednesdayfalse
- 22 p.m. on Thursdaytrue
- 33 p.m. on Thursdayfalse
- 42 p.m. on Wednesdayfalse
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Answer : 2. "2 p.m. on Thursday"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 2 p.m. on Thursday Explanation: Time from 12 p.m. on Tuesday to 2 p.m. on the following Tuesday = 7 days 2 hours.= 170 hours.The watch gains = (2 + 4 x 4/5) min= 34/5 min. in 170 hrs.Now, 34/5 min are gained in 170 hrs.Then, 2 min are gained in (170 x 5/34 x 2) hrs.Watch is correct after 2 days 2 hrs after 12 p.m. on Tuesday, i.e., it will be correct at 2 p.m. on Thursday.
Q: Choose the Antonym of the following word 'Autonomy' 1880 05b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd07
5b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd07- 1Antipathyfalse
- 2Dependencetrue
- 3Antruismfalse
- 4Animationfalse
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Answer : 2. "Dependence"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Dependence Explanation: 'Autonomy' means personal independence. Hence, the word 'dependence' is farthest in meaning to the given word 'Autonomy'.
Q: Choose the Antonym of the given word from the following options 'Jettison' 2546 05b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd02
5b5cc761e4d2b4197774fd02- 1Salvagetrue
- 2Submergefalse
- 3Repentfalse
- 4Descendfalse
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Answer : 1. "Salvage"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Salvage Explanation: 'Jettison' means to discard and 'salvage' means to rescue something discarded. Hence, 'salvage' is the word which is farthest in meaning to the given word 'Jettison'.
Q: Choose the word which gives similar meaning to the given word from the following options. 'Autopsy' 1350 05b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcfd
5b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcfd- 1Diagnosisfalse
- 2Rebuildfalse
- 3Manufacturefalse
- 4Postmortemtrue
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Answer : 4. "Postmortem"
Explanation :
Answer: D) Postmortem Explanation: Autopsy is the medical term for postmortem.
Q: In a certain code ARCHIVE is written as DSBGFWJ. How is SYSTEMS is written in that code ? 2910 05b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcf8
5b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcf8- 1TZTSTUNfalse
- 2TZTSTNFtrue
- 3TZTUTNFfalse
- 4TZTNTFSfalse
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Answer : 2. "TZTSTNF"
Explanation :
Answer: B) TZTSTNF Explanation: ARC -> CRA ->(+1) DSB H -> H ->(-1) GIVE -> EVI ->(+1) FWJ Similarly, SYS -> SYS ->(+1) TZT T -> T ->(-1) SEMS -> SME ->(+1) TNF
Q: At what time between 2 and 3 O'clock, the hands of a clock coincide ? 1802 05b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcf3
5b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcf3- 11 10/11 minutes past 2true
- 21 10/11 minutes past 3false
- 31 11/10 minutes past 3false
- 411 10/11 minutes past 2false
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Answer : 1. "1 10/11 minutes past 2"
Explanation :
Answer: A) 1 10/11 minutes past 2 Explanation: Since, in one hour, two hands of a clock coincide only once, so, there will be value.Required time T = 211H×30 + Ao minutes past H.Here H - initial position of hour hand = 2 (since 2 O'clock)A° = Required angle = 0° (Since it coincides) T = 2112×30 + 0o minutes past 2 => 11011 minutes past 2
Q: At what time between 3 and 4 o’clock will the minute hand and the hour hand are on the same straight line but facing opposite directions ? 2293 05b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcee
5b5cc75ee4d2b4197774fcee- 13:15 2/8false
- 23:49false
- 33:49 1/11true
- 43:51false
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Answer : 3. "3:49 1/11"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 3:49 1/11 Explanation: On straight line means 180 degree angle.180 = 11/2 min – 30 hrs180 = 11/2 m – 30 × 3180 = 11/2 m – 90(180 + 90) 2 = 11 mm = 540/11 = 49 1/11 minutes.