Computer Questions Practice Question and Answer
8 4 Answer : 4. "इसमे से कोई नहीं"
4 Answer : 2. "@"
4 Answer : 1. "Bomb"
4 Answer : 2. "Worm"
4 Answer : 1. "Trojan horses"
4 Answer : 1. "Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English"
4 Answer : 4. "They use the same protocol"
4 Answer : 3. "7"
Q: चुंबकीय डिस्क की भंडारण क्षमता निर्भर करती है 4649 25b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b590
5b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b590- 1डिस्क सतह में डिस्क पैकfalse
- 2सतह के प्रति इंच ट्रैकfalse
- 3पटरियों के प्रति इंच बिट्सfalse
- 4इसमे से कोई नहींtrue
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Answer : 4. "इसमे से कोई नहीं"
Explanation :
Answer: D) उपरोक्त सभी व्याख्या: मैग्नेटिक डिस्क एक तरह का डेटा स्टोरेज डिवाइस है। चुंबकीय डिस्क की भंडारण क्षमता इस पर निर्भर करती है 1. सतह के प्रति इंच ट्रैक 2. ट्रैक के बिट प्रति इंच 3. डिस्क सतह में डिस्क पैक इसे इस प्रकार दिखाया जा सकता है:
Q: The germans calls this the 'spider monkey' and the italians call it the 'snail'.Which symbol is this? 7143 65b5cc7c1e4d2b41977750a2c
5b5cc7c1e4d2b41977750a2c- 1+false
- 2@true
- 3$false
- 4#false
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Answer : 2. "@"
Explanation :
Answer: B) @ Explanation:
Q: Delayed payload of some viruses is also called as _____ 9436 25b5cc6d4e4d2b4197774e587
5b5cc6d4e4d2b4197774e587- 1Bombtrue
- 2Late - Virusfalse
- 3Timefalse
- 4Anti-virusfalse
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Answer : 1. "Bomb"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Bomb Explanation:
Q: The difference between a virus and a self-replicating program which is like a virus is that rather than creating copies of itself on only one system it propagate through computer network. What is that called as _____ 8079 25b5cc6d4e4d2b4197774e582
5b5cc6d4e4d2b4197774e582- 1Keyloggerfalse
- 2Wormtrue
- 3Time Bombfalse
- 4Crackerfalse
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Answer : 2. "Worm"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Worm Explanation:
Q: What is the name of the virus that fool a user into downloading and executing them by pretending to be useful applications ? 3219 25b5cc6d1e4d2b4197774e3fc
5b5cc6d1e4d2b4197774e3fc- 1Trojan horsestrue
- 2Keyloggerfalse
- 3Wormfalse
- 4File virusfalse
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Answer : 1. "Trojan horses"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Trojan horses Explanation:
Q: Why ABC computer is called so ? 4372 25b5cc6cbe4d2b4197774e0e0
5b5cc6cbe4d2b4197774e0e0- 1Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of Englishtrue
- 2Because it was developed by Atanasoff and Berryfalse
- 3Both of above are the reason to name the computer ABCfalse
- 4None of the abovefalse
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Answer : 1. "Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Because it was thought to be the first computer so named with first alphabets of English Explanation:
Q: Which of the following is a true statement about Intranet and Internet ? 6218 05b5cc6c8e4d2b4197774df3c
5b5cc6c8e4d2b4197774df3c- 1Encryption is necessaryfalse
- 2They use similar protocolfalse
- 3Speed is slowfalse
- 4They use the same protocoltrue
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Answer : 4. "They use the same protocol"
Explanation :
Answer: D) They use the same protocol Explanation:
Q: The original ASCII code used ___________ bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking ? 1290 05b5cc6c0e4d2b4197774dac1
5b5cc6c0e4d2b4197774dac1- 15false
- 26false
- 37true
- 48false
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Answer : 3. "7"
Explanation :
Answer: C) 7 Explanation: