Four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer sheet.
(A) Sychological
(B) Psychological
(C) Psykological
(D) Sykological
Select the correctly spelt word in the following options.
(A) Elimantry
(B) Elementary
(C) Elemantry
(D) Elimentary
Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) Adrress
(B) Address
(C) Addres
(D) Adress
Find the correctly spelt word.
(A) Benefitted
(B) Benifited
(C) Benefited
(D) Benefeted
Find the correctly spelt word.
(A) Pessenger
(B) Passenger
(C) Pasanger
(D) Pesanger
In the following four option find the wrongly spelt words.
(A) Lechirous
(B) Fabulous
(C) Superfluous
(D) Adventurous
In the following four option find the wrongly spelt words.
(A) Foresee
(B) Foretell
(C) Foreswear
(D) Forecast
In the following question find out the correct spelling.
(A) Chaufuer
(B) Chauffere
(C) Chaufeur
(D) Chauffeur
In the following words which words is correctly spelt.
(A) Gilotine
(B) Guilotine
(C) Gillotine
(D) Guillotine
In the following words which words is correctly spelt.
(A) Rehearsal
(B) Rehersal
(C) Reharsal
(D) Rehiersal
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