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निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा स्लाइड शो दृश्य में स्लाइड को आगे नहीं बढ़ाएगा?

  • 1
    Esc कुंजी
  • 2
    एंटर कुंजी
  • 3
  • 4
    माउस बटन
  • Show Answer
  • Workspace

Answer : 1. "Esc कुंजी"
Explanation :

1. The Esc key will not advance the slide in the slideshow view.

2. There is a button on the left side of the keyboard which is called “ESC Key”. This key is right next to the Functions Keys.

3. It is mostly used to cancel a command. As-

- An open Dialog Box can also be closed with the Escape key without using the mouse.

- A website being loaded in a browser can be cancelled by using the Escape key. That is, the website is not allowed to load.

- It is also used in many games to cancel Kari.

- The videos shown on the full screen of the media player can be opened in normal mode by using the Escape key.

- It is also used to cancel a wrong entry in an input field.

- Open Start Menu or PullDown Menu can be closed quickly by Esc key.

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