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निम्न में से कौन सी संस्था कठपुतली कला के राजस्थान में संरक्षण - संवर्धन में अपनी महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका के लिए जानी जाती है? 

  • 1
    इंडियन आर्ट पैलेस, दिल्ली
  • 2
    सार्दूल राजस्थानी रिसर्च इन्स्टीट्यूट, बीकानेर
  • 3
    भारतीय लोक कला मंडल, उदयपुर
  • 4
    राजस्थानी शोध संस्थान, जोधपुर
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Answer : 3. "भारतीय लोक कला मंडल, उदयपुर "
Explanation :

1. Bharatiya Lok Kala Mandal is known for its important role in the preservation and promotion of puppetry art in Rajasthan. This institution was established in 1952 in Udaipur. Its objective is to promote knowledge and research in the field of folk arts, performing arts and puppetry.

2. Bharatiya Lok Kala Mandal organizes many programs to preserve various forms of puppetry art. These include training of puppeteers, performing puppet plays and researching the art of puppetry.

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