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2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार राजस्थान में ग्रामीण और शहरी साक्षरता दर क्या थी ?

ग्रामीण                   शहरी

  • 1
    67.3 % - 76.2 %
  • 2
    71.7 % - 78.5 %
  • 3
    61.4 % - 79.7 %
  • 4
    64.8 % - 72.5 %
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Answer : 3. "61.4 % - 79.7 % "
Explanation :

The correct answer is Kota, Jaipur, Jhunjhunu, Sikar, Alwar. Rajasthan's literacy rate is 66.11 % as per Census 2011. The male literacy rate was 79.19 % however the female literacy was 52.12 %. The rural literacy rate of Rajasthan was 61.44%.

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