Pinaka is a5
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Q: Pinaka is a
- 1a multi barrel rocket launcher developed by DRDOtrue
- 2a rocket launcher developed by Francefalse
- 3a missile developed by DRDOfalse
- 4a missile imported from Russiafalse
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Answer : 1. "a multi barrel rocket launcher developed by DRDO"
Explanation :
Answer: A) a multi barrel rocket launcher developed by DRDO Explanation: 1. Pinaka is a multi barrel rocket launcher developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for the Indian Army. 2. The system has a maximum range of 40 km for Mark-I and 75 km for Mark-II, and can fire a salvo of 12 rockets in 44 seconds. 3. The system is mounted on a Tatra truck for mobility. 4. Actually, the meaning of Pinaka is Shiv Dhanush.