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सूची -1 का सूची- II से सुमेलित कीजिए एवं सही नीचे दिए गए कूट का उपयोग कर सही उत्तर का चयन कीजिए-

सूची -1 ( पुस्तक )        सूची- II ( लेखक )

1 . अमरकोश              a. भास

II . काव्यमीमांसा          b. गुणाढ्य

iii . बृहत्कथा                c. अमरसिंह

iv . स्वप्नवासवदत्तम      d. राजशेखर


  • 1
    i- ( c ), ii- ( d ), iii- ( b ), iv- ( a )
  • 2
    i- ( d ), ii- ( a ), iii- ( c ), iv- ( b )
  • 3
    i- ( d ), ii- ( a ), iii- ( b ), iv- ( c )
  • 4
    i- ( a ), ii- ( b ), iii- ( c ), iv- ( d )
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Answer : 1. "i- ( c ), ii- ( d ), iii- ( b ), iv- ( a ) "
Explanation :

Books Authors Amarakosha The Amarakosha is the popular name for Namalinganushasanam a thesaurus in Sanskrit written by the ancient Indian scholar Amarasimha. Kavya Mimansa Rajashekhara wrote the Kavyamimamsa between 880 and 920 CE. The work is essentially a practical guide for poets that explains the elements and composition of a good poem. Brihatkatha Brihat Katha is a book written by Gunadhya. Gunadhya was a scholar in the court of Satvahana King Hala. Brihat Katha is written in the Paisachi language. Gathasaptasati of Hala is written in Prakrit language. Kalhana's Rajatarangini is a book written in the Sanskrit language. Tripitaka's of Buddhism were written in Pali text. Svapnavasavadattam Svapnavasavadattam is the best-known work of Bhasa. It was lost and rediscovered in 1912 in Kerala. This play is around the Vatsa king Udayana and his queen Vasavadatta, the daughter of Pradyota, the ruler of Avanti.


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