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वास्तविक वस्तु का हमेशा सीधा प्रतिबिंब बनाने वाला दर्पण होता है?

  • 1
    समतल, उत्तल, अवतल
  • 2
    समतल, अवतल
  • 3
  • 4
    समतल, उत्तल
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Answer : 4. "समतल, उत्तल"
Explanation :

Flat Mirror (or Plane Mirror): Reflects light without distorting the image. The image formed is erect (upright) and of the same size as the object, but reversed from left to right.

Convex Mirror: Also produces an erect image. The image formed is virtual (cannot be projected onto a screen), smaller than the actual object, and upright.

Both flat and convex mirrors can create upright (erect) images of real objects.

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