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Q: In the following set of numbers, if 1 is added to the last digit and then the orderr of digits is reversed, which number will be fourth if arranged in ascending order? 567    284    696    865    738

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Answer : 1. "567"
Explanation :

Answer: A) 567 Explanation: Here the given numbers are  567  284  696  865  738 When 1 is added to the last digit of each of the above numbers, it becomes as follows : 568  285  697  866  739 After reversing the order of digits , we get 865  582  796  668  937 Now , when the numbers are arranged in ascending order their order becomes as follows: 582  668  796  865  937 Hence , the fourth number is 865 (a number formed by 567). Therefore option(1) is correct answer.

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