After working for 8 days, Hari Ram finds that only 1/3 rd of the work has been done. He employs Satya who is 60% as efficient as Hari Ram. How many days more would Satya take to complete the work ?5
1530 5b5cc6d3e4d2b4197774e4fa
Q: After working for 8 days, Hari Ram finds that only 1/3 rd of the work has been done. He employs Satya who is 60% as efficient as Hari Ram. How many days more would Satya take to complete the work ?
- 124 1/2 daysfalse
- 225 3/2 daysfalse
- 324 2/3 daysfalse
- 426 2/3 daystrue
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