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वीडियो टेप’ का आविष्कार किया था

  • 1
    रिचर्ड जेम्स ने
  • 2
    चार्ल्स गिन्सबर्ग ने
  • 3
    पी.टी. फन्स्व र्थ ने
  • 4
    जार्जेस द मेस्ट्राल ने
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Answer : 2. "चार्ल्स गिन्सबर्ग ने"
Explanation :

Charles Ginsberg was an American engineer who played a key role in the development of video recording technology. He is known for inventing the first practical videotape recorder, which he called the "Quadraplex" videotape recorder. Ginsberg's invention revolutionized the television industry by allowing the recording and playback of television programs. The Quadraplex system used 2-inch-wide magnetic tape and was first demonstrated in 1956. This innovation marked a significant milestone in the history of television and broadcasting, enabling the recording and later broadcast of content, contributing to the evolution of media and entertainment technologies.

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