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General English Quiz and Answers

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General English Quiz and AnswersGeneral English Quiz and Answers

Welcome to our General English Quiz and Answers blog! Dive into the world of language with our engaging quizzes designed to test your English proficiency. Whether you're a language enthusiast or someone looking to sharpen your skills, our quizzes cover a wide range of topics including grammar, vocabulary, idioms, and more. Challenge yourself, learn something new, and track your progress as you explore the nuances of the English language. Get ready to have fun while improving your English knowledge!

General English Quiz and Answers

In this article General English Quiz and Answers, we are sharing General English Quizzes and Answers related to Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Passive Voice under General English section for those learners who are preparing for upcoming competitive exams.

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General English Quiz and Answers

Q :  

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.
 ‘Don Quixote’ was written by Miguel Cervantes.

(A) Miguel Cervantes was writing ‘Don Quixote’.

(B) Miguel Cervantes wrote ‘Don Quixote’.

(C) Miguel Cervantes had written ‘Don Quixote’.

(D) Miguel Cervantes has written ‘Don Quixote’.

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The sentence is transformed into active voice, making Miguel Cervantes the author of "Don Quixote."

Q :  

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.
 Coffee is sipped by me.

(A) I have sipped coffee.

(B) I sip coffee.

(C) I have had sipped coffee.

(D) I am sipping coffee.

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The sentence is transformed from passive to active voice, making "I" the doer of the action (sipping coffee)

Q :  

Select the option that expresses the given sentence in active voice.
 A trip to the village temple was made by Bhavani yesterday.

(A) Bhavani was going to make a trip to the temple yesterday.

(B) Bhavani made a trip to the village temple yesterday.

(C) Bhavani tripped to the village temple yesterday.

(D) Bhavani is going to make a trip to the temple today.

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The sentence is transformed from passive to active voice, making Bhavani the doer of the action.

Q :  

The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains an INCORRECTLY spelt word.
 The mother’s tired and overrought mind could not process / the information of the demise of her only son / and she sat like a statue even when her / tormentors passed several obnoxious comments.

(A) her tormentors passed several obnoxious comments

(B) The mother’s tired and overrought mind could not process

(C) the information of the demise of her only son

(D) and she sat like a statue even when her

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :
The correct spelling is "overwrought," not "overrought."

Q :  

Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(A) Belief

(B) Beneth

(C) Belly

(D) Bellow

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

The correct spelling is "Beneath." The incorrect spelling "Beneth" is a misspelling.

Q :  

Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
 In weal and woe

(A) In sad and gloomy days

(B) In happiness and good times

(C) In prosperity and adversity

(D) In despair and failure

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

"In weal and woe" means in both good times (prosperity) and bad times (adversity).

Q :  

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
 Like a cakewalk

(A) Smooth surface

(B) Pleasant experience

(C) Easy task

(D) Active

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

"Like a cakewalk" describes something that is extremely easy or a task that requires little effort.

Q :  

Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
 A skeleton in the cupboard

(A) A popular fact which is not hidden

(B) A popular fact to be kept secret

(C) An embarrassing fact not to be kept secret

(D) An embarrassing fact to be kept secret

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
An embarrassing fact to be kept secret. This idiom refers to a hidden and potentially shameful or embarrassing truth.

Q :  

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
 Safe pair of hands

(A) Miss an opportunity

(B) Speak rashly without thinking carefully

(C) A secret or hidden advantage

(D) A person who can be trusted to do something efficiently

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :
A person who can be trusted to do something efficiently. This idiom refers to someone reliable and trustworthy.

Q :  

Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

(A) Finery

(B) Hiest

(C) Cringe

(D) Defer

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

The correct spelling is "Heist." The incorrect spelling "Hiest" is a common misspelling.

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