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Coding Decoding New Pattern Questions for Competitive Exams

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coding decoding new pattern questionscoding decoding new pattern questions

Coding Decoding Questions with New Pattern

Direction:(11-15) Study the given information to answer the followings questions

In a certain code,

‘today positive decent found’ is written as ‘@6A @6V &7B @5Q’

‘people attend daily party’ is written as ‘@6V *6V #5B @5A’

‘regular fitness sound health’ is written as ‘@6A @8P #8O @5E’

‘picture perfect quality movie’ is written as ‘#6B #8B #8V @8Q’

Q.11. What is the code for the word ‘picnic time’?

(A) @5A @3B

(B) #5A @3B

(C) @7A @3B

(D) #5A #5B

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   E

Q.12. Which of the following word represents the code ‘@5V’?

(A) Sunday

(B) Monday

(C) Tuesday

(D) Either Sunday or Monday

(E) None

Ans .   D

Q.13. What is the code for the word ‘perfect’?

(A) #6B

(B) #8B

(C) #8V

(D) @8Q

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   D

Q.14. What is the code for the words ‘negative world’?

(A) &8B @5A

(B) &7B *5A

(C) &7B *6A

(D) #6B *6A

(E) None

Ans .   C

Q.15. Which of the following word represents the code ‘#5P’?

(A) Bracket

(B) Torture

(C) Special

(D) Leaves

(E) None

Ans .   D

Directions (16-20): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,

′Marker Written Merit Iterated′ is written as    ′11$D        25%N      15©R        15@T′

′Come Detail Order Hijacked′ is written as       ′6©L        5#E         10$D        17@R′

′Present Joystick Liable Part′ is written as      ′18%T       14©E       18#T        12$K′

′States Regards Fact Reply′ is written as         ′8#T        21©S        20@Y      20%S′

Q.16. What is the code for ‘Haryana Court’?

(A) 5@T 10%A

(B) 6@T 10%T

(C) 5©T 10#A

(D) 5$T 10%A

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   A

Q.17. What is the code for ‘Cruel Statement’?

(A) 4@L 21$T

(B) 5©L 21$S

(C) 5@L 21%T

(D) 5@L 21$T

(E) Cannot be Determined

Ans .   E

Q.18. What is the code for ‘Water Backflow’?

(A) 25@R 4$B

(B) 25©R 4$W

(C) 25@R 4$W

(D) 25@R 4%W

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   C

Q.19. What is the code for ‘Deduct Word’?

(A) 6©T 26#D

(B) 6%T 25#C

(C) 6©T 25#D

(D) 6@T 25#D

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   C

Q.20. What is the code for ‘Plane Hijacker’?

(A) 10$T 18@E

(B) 10$R 18©E

(C) 10%R 18@E

(D) 10$R 18@E

(E) Cannot be determined

Ans .   D

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